v21 Start New Study

v21 Start New Study

  • From Manage Studies, select Start a New Study.

The BMS has two default study types, Nursery and Trial. Additional study types can be customized by your system administrator or IBP data manager.

  • Enter mandatory information. Name, describe, and choose the study type. Set the file directory by selecting "Change Folder" option.

Creation date defaults to current date, but can be edited. The creator of the study is established by user identity in the system. In this case "Admin Admin" is the creator of this study.

  • Specify the directory location for the study. Select.

This breeding program organizes studies in folders by year. This study will be saved in the 2021 folder.

Study Template

Any previously created study can serve as a template for a new study. The new study will be populated with the study settings, locations, and phenotypes of the previous study, while remaining editable.

  • If you want to use a template, check "Use a previously created study as a template." Choose the study from the directory.

Save Study

Once the mandatory study information is established, selecting Save creates the study in the directory and several tabs are displayed.

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