v21 Access & Directories

v21 Access & Directories

Access System

Users will receive an email from the system administrator containing a temporary url link to establish or reset password.

  • Follow the link to establish or reset your password.

Set Password

The temporary url link sent to your email, leads to a page where you can set or reset your password.

  • Enter your password twice and select Reset Password.

  • Bookmark or save the url corresponding to the server installation of the BMS for future access


The BMS will automatically log out inactive users.

  • Login to the BMS by navigating to the url and entering username and password. Select Remember Me if you want to automate login from your computer. Select Sign In.

Request Password Reset

Select "Can't login?". Enter your username and email. You will receive an email to reset you password.


Launch Directory

The BMS is organized by crop and program within crop. Choose the crop and program of interest.

  • After the program has been specified, study and gemplasm list directories are available. Highlight a study to reveal a graphical view of study observations. Observations categorized as: confirmed, pending, and unspecified.

The LPS1 Study has 3000 pending observations for nine locations.

Select the Launch to reveal all BMS functionality for the selected program, or double click an individual study or germplasm list reveal individual Manage Studies and Germplasm List functionality.

Germplasm List Directory

Germplasm lists are managed in a directory accessible from various BMS modules. Access the germplasm list directory to browse, save, edit, and delete lists.

From Germplasm Lists

The Germplasm Lists module allows for directory management, such as: drag-and-drop organization of child pages, folder creation, file name editing, & deletion.

Drag and Drop

  • Select Browse to open the popup. Drag and drop lists to change their directory location.

Add Folder

  • Select a folder in which to create a new sub-folder. Select the green + icon. Name the new folder and save by selecting the green check button.

Rename Item

  • To rename, highlight folder/file of interest and select the blue pen icon.


  • To delete, highlight folder/file of interest and select the orange X icon. Confirm that you want to delete the item. Note: You can only delete files that you own.


From Germplasm Manager

  • Add Germplasm List as a germplasm filter. Select germplasm button to reveal directory.

The Manage Germplasm file directory contains two default folders for (1) crop-level and (2) program-level list sharing. Germplasm lists in the "Crop" folder are available from any program with the crop - allowing breeders in different programs to share. Lists in the "Program" folder are restricted to members of that program.


  • Select a germplasm list to open it in a table below the Browse for Lists popup. Select OK.

The 600 germplasm entries associated with this list are now available for review, export, and list building in the germplasm table.

Samples List Directory

The sample list directory was designed specifically to track genotyping samples.

  • From Samples List, select browse to navigate the sample list file directory.

Studies Directory

Studies, like nurseries and trials, have their own file directory.

  • You can browse the studies directory from Manage Studies. This will open studies for editing. You can filter your view of the study directory by study type, like Nursery or Trials.

  • Selecting a study from browse studies offers a consolidated summary of study data without the capability of editing the study.








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