v20 Graphical Queries

Graphical Filtering

Graphical filtering can be used assist selection decisions. The graphical filtering tool was designed by the  CassavaBase group at Cornell University, and is an example of a BMS "plug-and-play" application using open source API calls defined by BrAPI.

  • Select environment of interest and Open Graphical Filtering Tool.

The default tabular view (not grouped by accession) displays all of the recorded measurements from the selected environment.

  • Select Group by Accession and Load to reveal the mean value for each germplasm entry in this environment.


91 germplasm entries were evaluated wil several replications at the CIFOR location. Grouping by accession reveals the means of the traits evaluated fot each germplasm.

  • Select the + button and New Range to reveal traits.

  • Select trait to display in the graphical interface.

  • Right click on the distribution graph to draw a box across the range of values to favor for selection. The list of germplasm below becomes restricted to display only those germplasm who performed in the desired range.

Three germplasm evaluated at the CIFOR location had mean yield measurements between 4223.8-4571.9 kilograms per hectare.

  • Use the + button to add additional trait filters with the following qualifiers:

    • And

    • And Not

    • Or

Two germplasm evaluated at the CIFOR location had mean grain yields a zinc levels high enough and leaf scald scores low enough to meet the filtering criteria.