v18 Genotyping samples


Genotyping samples option permits to take genotyping samples from a dataset in a study and sample observations and sub-observations units. The first step is to select the dataset and the process will continue as usual, but filtering based on the dataset selected: instances and variable. As a result of the list creation, the sample is linked with the enumerator of the original dataset.


Select 'Actions' > 'Create genotyping samples' option. Plots: Observations is selected as default and all sub-observations datasets are listed.

Select a dataset and Continue

A table with location names filtered based on the dataset selected is displayed, and each row with a check box is selected as default.

Select the location(s) desired and Continue.

In this step, new information needs to be specified:

  • Variate that defines the number of samples per plot (mandatory):  numeric selection variables associated with the dataset selected.

  • Taken by (optional): All persons associated with the program are listed. The logged user is selected as default and there is an option to leave the field empty.

  • Sampling date (optional)

And 'Save' option is enabled as default.


Select the parent folder where the list will be saved, or you can create a new child folder under the Sample lists folder.

Fill List Details up List Name (mandatory), Description, and Notes.


Sample List

A successful message is displayed: "Samples list created successfully!"

And the list is displayed at the level of other lists in the study

Sample list Actions: Export list

Export Sample list, the list is exported in CSV format

Samples in Observations tab

Once the sample list is saved successfully, a new column appears in the Observations tab: SAMPLES with the sum of samples per <obs-unit>.

Click on a sample number link.

Sample details popup is displayed.

PLATE_ID, WELL will be populated once the user has imported the Plate information (See )

GENOTYPING_DATASET will be populated once the user has imported a genotyping dataset involving the samples (See )