v22 Data Visualizations & Calculations


After observation and/or sub-observation data is accepted into the database, these data are available for graphical visualization and execution of calculations.

Data Visualization

  •  Click the graph icon.


  • Choose the type of graph (plot): scatter plot, histogram, box plot.



  • Choose scatterplot, regression method, and dependent variables for the x and y axes. Generate.



Scatterplot regression of dry weight per plot vs. dry weight per hectare: The correlation in this case is perfect and not very interesting, because dry weight per hectare is calculated from dry weight.


  • Choose histogram, x-axis variable (dependent), and the bin width. Generate.




Histogram of dry weight per plot with roughly normal distribution

Box Plot

  • Choose boxplot, factor by one of the study's independent variables (x-axis),  and choose one of the studies dependent variables. Generate.




Boxplot of trial instance (location) by dry weight per plot: Notice that location 2 outperformed other locations, and that locations 4 and 5 have possible outlier measurements, indicated by the black dots.

Calculate Variables

Derived variables with BMS-specified calculations are highlighted green within the observations tab. The input variables are visible in the trait summary. (See more on adding Formulas to traits in the Ontology).



  • Click Actions and select execute calculated variable.
    The first row, HM11, contains input data for two derived traits. For example, dry grain yield (kg/plot) or GY_DW_kgPlot can be used with plot size variable, PlotArea_m2, from Environments tab to calculate dry grain yield (t/h) or GY_DW_tha using this formula, ({{GY_DW_kgPlot}}* 1000/{{PlotArea_m2}}).

  • Select the appropriate dataset where the derived variable is located. Continue.

  • Select the derived variable, GY_DW_tha, and instance(s) to execute calculation. All instances are selected by default. Execute.


The calculated value(s) for the derived variable, GY_DW_tha, now populate the observation. Only a single plot had enough data entered to calculate GY_DW_tha. A warning message alerts you to that the other plots have missing data, preventing the calculation.