v20 Environments

Number of Environments

  • Specify the number of environments for your study and click Ok.

  • Name unspecified locations by selecting a name from the locations drop down menu.

Remove Environment

  • Select the red (-) button by any environment to remove from the study. Confirm the deletion.

Add Environment

After experimental design has been implemented you can continue adding environments by selecting the green (+) button.

  • Return to the experimental design tab to generate a design for newly added environments. 

Other Environment Details

  • Click on the Add button in the corresponding section to browse for variables (see Manage Ontology). The selected variables are now available for data entry. Save.

Study Conditions

Study conditions can include uncontrolled factors, such as weather, and controlled factors like chemical applications and watering regimes.

  • Click on the Add button in the corresponding section to browse for variables (see Manage Ontology). The selected variables are now available for data entry. Save.