Field Book is an open source android application developed as part of the broader PhenoApps initiative. It is used for data collection in the field or lab. Fieldbook App connects to BMS using BrAPI or Studybooks files.

It can be downloaded at or from Google Play store.


  1. Open the Fieldbook Application and go to Settings.

  2. Under Settings, go to BrAPI.

  3. Enable BrAPI to access its configuration.

  4. Go to BrAPI Version and select option V2.

  5. Under Auth Settings, open OIDC Flow then select the option OAuth2 Implicit Grant

  6. Open OIDC Discovery URL (the location of the OIDC discovery JSON document.) and scan a barcode with the URL or define it as https://www.<institute’s BMS URL address>/bmsapi/<crop name>/.well-known/openid-configuration, for this tutorial use:

    Click OK.

  7. Open “Base URL”. Scan a barcode with the URL or enter the BrAPI Base URL https://<institute’s BMS address>/bmsapi/<crop name> . In this tutorial use :

Click OK.

  1. It will launch the BMS Authorization page on a web browser of the Android device.  Enter the BMS login Name and Password and click on Sign In.

  2. Click Authorize.

  3. Click the option Field Book, Just once.

After a Succesful conection message, Fieldbook APP is ready to download Studybooks from BMS.

To get the studybook (Fields) instances, return to main screen and then click on FIELDS.

  1. To add environment instance into Fieldbook. Click on the + and select BrAPI

  2. Environments may be filtered by program or by trial

  3. Observation Level must be set to PLOT if you wish to collect data at the plot level

  4. Select an environment from the List.

  5. Click Preview Field. This allows users to check the field before saving.

  6. Click on Traits to select the traits that will be measured. Please take note that traits from other fields/environments will also be in the list of traits.

  7. To start entering observed values, click “COLLECT”.

  8. Collected observation values can be exported to BMS by clicking Export.

  9. Data can be exported using Local storage or via BrAPI.

  10. The number of new or modified observations will be shown. In this example, 4 New Observations have been collected. Click Export.

  11. “BrAPI Export Successful” message shows up if the export is successful.


Alternative workflow: OIDC OAuth 2

Important: Android supported links

Make sure the Android setting Open supported links is set to Open in this app instead of “Ask every time”, for the link

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